Saturday, January 10, 2009

Media Sensibility and other Jokes Part 1.

India's fourth estate is as diverse as the country itself.
You have the national news channels - motley of Hindi and English news channels and entertainment channels. Or as Homer Simpson would suggest 'Infotainment Channels'. From a dog marrying an guy ( is it a bitch !? who cares ) to Magicians performing their mumbo jumbo on scantily clad girls. This is what our Hindi media has to show from a country of some millions more than a billion . Oh yes ! I forgot about the talk shows - the audience is fed with all this gobledeegook and then comes that part when phony people up to ask their weirdo questions.
Out of Cricketers comment on the performance of the Boys in Blue. Thank God the team has been winning more than often nowadays. At least for the good of the country the media has good things to say about them. Otherwise the current working/performing cricketers would see their own putlas burning in some by alley of Kanpur - as part of an 'exclusive' coverage by some news channel.
The english news channels are a bit more polished because they cater to the so called intelligensia ( I do not think any body in their right minds would listen to the Hindi media ). They seem to have better content obviously in a country like India you cannot run out of content. And then theres the world to cover and comment about ! Sometimes you get the feeling that the over the top news anchors know very less about the subject so they act emotionally and become a part of the debate instead of moderating the conversations. I am referring to the India - Pakistan debates hed on television in the aftermath of the Mumbai attacks.
Even if the content is same there is a small difference between the Hindi and English media the way it is presented is pretty different. The Hindi news channels add adjectives and adverbs in a very politicianisque way so even a remotely positive news , rare species but not extinct yet.
The debates are better in the English news channels simply becasue of the contacts the higher ups in the news channels hav got and not because of the information provided or debated over. The hindi news channels are just not interested in quality - It is not a part of their manifesto !
The most intriguing part of the whole Infotainment business is the music. Well, the haunting music which becomes a part of any so called serious news item has such screwball bgms that you are reminded of a Ramsay ghost buster flick.

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